A lot is involved when eating. The process of feeding begins with putting the food onto the fork/spoon, opening the mouth, putting the food in the mouth, and then close the mouth. Lastly, chewing the food and getting ready to swallow it down.
Children must learn this process. At first, children, will start sucking and and then will learn to eat solid foods or drink independently from a cup. Sometimes children will spill drinks from their mouths, or will push food back out or gag. However, most of these should go away as time passes. A child with a feeding disorder will keep having trouble. Some children will be stuck and only eat certain foods, or some may take a relatively long time to eat their foods. These are also children who may have a feeding disorder.
Additionally, some children may have swallowing problems, otherwise known as dysphagia. A child may have trouble in one or more phases of swallowing which include:
Signs of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
If your child experiences any of the points below, he/she may have a feeding disorder:
Your child does not need to have every sign that is listed here. Your child can show many signs or a few of them. Not every child has every sign listed here. Don't wait for therapy. Your child may be at risk for:
Causes of Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
There are many possible causes for feeding and swallowing problems, including:
Treatment for Feeding and Swallowing Disorders
At KidsCare Speech Therapy, we would work on: feeding therapy, trying different foods with your child to help with adding calories to food, work on new ways to get your child to try new foods or textures, or maybe changing your child's position while eating and finding new ways to handle your child's behavior in relation to foods or eating. Speech language pathologist may also refer out to seeing another professional, such as a dentist, psychologist or registered dietitian.
If the case becomes too severe, your child may need to get nutrition in other ways throw her nose or her stomach.
Additionally, the speech language pathologist at KidsCare Speech Therapy will work on making the muscles of his mouth and tongue stronger. Also, we would help in getting your child to try new foods and drinks, and improving how well he can such a bottle or drink from a cup. Changing food textures and liquid thickness to help them swallow safely.
It is very important for you to be part of your child's treatment. You can:
* At KidsCare Speech Therapy, we offer both individual and group feeding therapy sessions. Please inquire if you are interested.
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