A language- based learning disability is one where a child has problems with age-appropriate reading, spelling, and/or writing. This does not have anything to do with intelligence.
Signs and Symptoms of a Language-Based Learning Disability
Often, the term dyslexia has been used to refer to the specific learning problem of reading. However, now language-based learning disability is used and is better because of the relationship between written and spoken language. Children who have reading problems will most likely have spoken language problems. A child with dyslexia will have trouble with only the written word. The child who has has dyslexia as part of a learning disability will have trouble with the spoken and written word.
According to ASHA, these include:
-Expressing ideas clearly, as if the words needed are on the tip of the tongue but won't come out. What the child says can be vague and difficult to understand (e.g., using unspecific vocabulary, such as "thing" or "stuff" to replace words that cannot be remembered).
- Filler words like "um" may be used to take up time while the child tries to remember a word.
-Learning new vocabulary that the child hears (e.g., taught in lectures/lessons) and/or sees (e.g., in books)
-Understanding questions and following directions that are heard and/or read
-Recalling numbers in sequence (e.g., telephone numbers and addresses)
-Understanding and retaining the details of a story's plot or a classroom lecture
-Reading and comprehending material
-Learning words to songs and rhymes
-Telling left from right, making it hard to read and write
-Letters and numbers
-Learning the alphabet
-Identifying the sounds that correspond to letters, making learning to read difficult
-Mixing up the order of letters in words while writing
Diagnosis of a Language-Based Learning Disability
A team of professionals will be involved consisting of the parents, teachers, special educators, and psychologist. Spoken and written language will be evaluated for children who have been identified by their parents or teachers as having difficulty in either aspect of language.
For a preschool child, the speech therapist will to do any or all of the following: gather information about reading experiences in the home (does the parent read to the child?), observe the child during class time, determine the child's ability to understand verbal or written directions, see if the child recognizes certain logos, watch to see how the child holds the book, see if the child can write their own name and if it is in the correct order, see if the child can recognize letters of the alphabet and determine if the child can rhyme words or clap out to the different syllables in a word.
For an older child, the speech therapy will do any or all of the following: examine whether the child can read in textbooks, ask the child to put sounds together to make a word, see if the child can break up a word into its syllables/sounds, and assess their phonological memory to see if they can repeat strings of words, numbers, letters, and sounds of increasing length.
*Additionally for all children, the speech-language pathologist will conduct a complete language evaluation to look at articulation and executive function. Looking at executive functioning will determine the child's ability to plan, organize and attend to details.
Treatment for a Language-Based Learning Disability
Treatment will focus on the specific aspects of reading and writing that the child is having difficulty with. At KidsCare Speech Therapy, we will ensure that individualized sessions are always related to school works. Therefore, materials for treatment are taken directly from class content. The child will learn to apply strategies learned in therapy to classroom activities and assignments. In regards to speaking and listening, intervention will also support the development of written language.
Causes of a Language-Based Learning Disability
These learning disabilities are typically caused by a difference in brain structure that is present at birth, often related to specific language problems, and is often hereditary.
Treatment of a Language-Based Learning Disability
The most important treatment technique is for the speech language pathologist to consult with both the educators and the parents to teach and model language activities that promote success. This can be done by providing demonstration lessons on the importance of joint book reading (reading with a parent or caregiver), teach the parents how to ask question related to a story to improve their child's comprehension skills, ask the child to retell a story etc..
All learning disabilities problems should be addressed very early. If a learning problem goes untreated, the child can have a significant decrease in their confidence accompanied with social phobia and depression.
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